10 Ways to Get Calcium if You’re Lactose Intolerant

Getting a steady supply of calcium isn’t just a good idea, it’s essential to making sure that your bones stay strong and healthy throughout your life. While dairy products are an excellent choice of calcium, they aren’t always an option for those seeking to stay healthy, especially the lactose intolerant. Without the ability to casually eat dairy products many people suffering from this condition find it difficult to get a sufficient amount of food based calcium in their diets. Thankfully dairy isn’t the only option for getting calcium, just read about some of these other options.
Taking supplements is a popular way of getting calcium, but they aren’t always the best for you. It’s a great choice, but your body doesn’t process pill based calcium as well as it does that which is carried in food. Thankfully there are a number of food based supplements out there, speak to your physician to help you make a choice if you go this route.
Vitamin D and Sunlight
Vitamin D is an important part of your body’s ability to process calcium, and sunlight is an important part of ensuring long term bone health. Be sure to ingest plenty of orange juice, eggs, and other sources of this vitamin to meet your needs.
Beans Beans The Magical Fruit
Alright, probably not a fruit. However, they are absolutely packed with calcium, making them a perfect compliment to the vitamin D mentioned above. Per cup you can get 154mg of calcium, more than a 10th of your daily requirement!
Calclium Fortified Foods
There are an abundance of foods on the market that have been fortified with calcium to make it easier on those who don’t get enough of this vital mineral. Orange juice (there’s that Vitamin D), breakfast cereals, almond milk (To go on your breakfast cereal), breakfast bars and more all have options that are calcium fortified. A single 8oz glass of orange juice that’s fortified with calcium gives you almost 1/3rd of your daily require with 300mg.
Oatmeal Is Your Friend
Oatmeal is great at any time of day, and a cup of it provides up to 150mg of calcium! Considering how many things you can put oatmeal it’s a great way of getting your daily allotment. Want a sweet snack? Oatmeal cookies. A hearty way to start the day? A bowl of oatmeal. Looking for a filling dinner? Meatloaf (with oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs). Calcium everywhere!
If you’re struggling to find healthy ways to get calcium due to lactose intolerance give Dr. Diana Wilson at Neurosurgeon and Spine Consultants in Fort Worth, TX a call. They’ll give you great tips as well as provide you with other information on how to support and maintain a healthy spine. Don’t let your dietary restrictions keep you from getting the nutrition you need to live an active and healthy lifestyle long into your retirement. Call and make an appointment for a consultation today!
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